Pine Essential Oil...

Pine oil is extracted from Pine (Scotch pine) oil, which is extracted from Pinus Sylvester’s of the Panacea family and is also known as Scots and forest pine. Although pine oil can cause allergic reactions, it is very useful to relieve mental, physical and sexual fatigue, while having a cleansing and clearing effect on a room. Even though it can be used in cystitis, hepatitis and prostate problems, as well as to improve circulation and to relieve rheumatism, gout, sciatica and arthritis, it should be done so with care due to the sensitizing nature of this oil.

It is extensively cultivated for its wood, tar, pitch, turpentine and essential oil and was used by the Native Americans to prevent scurvy. Mattresses where stuffed with the needles to repel lice and fleas and the ancient Egyptians used pine kernels in their cooking.

Pine oil is obtained by the steam distillation of the needles, twigs and cones from this evergreen tree, whose scientific name is Pinus Sylvester’s. Since pine trees are abundant in nature, the oil is relatively inexpensive and easily available, and is an important essential oil to have at home.

It is believed the pine plant originated in Austria and Russia and spread in different parts of the world. Because the pine tree can withstand both cold and relatively dry conditions, it grows easily and well in many different places.

Native Americans used pine trees in several ways. They chewed the needles to ward off scurvy, and stuffed the oil-rich needles in their mattresses to discourage lice and fleas.

The needles contain quite a lot of vitamin C, so it was a useful remedy for hunters if they were short of the vitamin. Hippocrates used pine to treat pulmonary conditions (lung-related medical conditions) and Pliny recommended pine oil for respiratory problems.

The most common use for many people of pine trees is as Christmas trees or decorations during Christmas, but did you know that oil from a pine tree has many other applications, from cleaning via medical uses to aromatherapy and massage.

Uses: Pine oil is most useful to relieve mental, physical and sexual fatigue, while having a cleansing and invigorating effect on an area and is great for vapor therapy in a sick room as it promotes healing.

It can be used for cuts and sores, scabies and lice and for excessive perspiration, while its warming properties help with rheumatism, arthritis, gout, muscular aches and pains and it can stimulate circulation. Furthermore it can help in cases of bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, coughs, laryngitis, colds and flu. It eases breathlessness and sinusitis.

Essential pine oil may also help relieve congestion and acts as an expectorant, aiding the body to break up mucus and remove it from the lungs. It also helps reduce the incidence of sinus infections.

As a general kidney cleanser, it is effective with cystitis, prostate problems and urinary infections and can also help with nervous exhaustion, neuralgia and mental fatigue.

Pine oil has antibacterial, energizing, antiseptic, and aromatic properties. It's been used as a tool in the medical armory for thousands of years.

The most widely known use of pine essential oil is in treating skin problems. Dermatologists often prescribe the oil in treating the following conditions: psoriasis, itching, eczema, scabies, sores, and fleas.

Pine essential oil has a distinctive essence and gives a sweet aroma to the cosmetics it is used in. The health benefits of pine oil include some emotional benefits. It gives an energizing, invigorating feeling. Pine essential oil is antiseptic and can be used in treating cuts, sores, and fungal infections.


Oil from pine trees is one of the most important essential oils used in aromatherapy. Pine essential oil blends well with cedar wood, rosemary, lavender, sage and juniper oils. The "clean" smell means that people having an aromatherapy massage find pine oil invigorating and cleansing. Pine oil contains phenol, which are acidic chemicals that have germ-killing properties.

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